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Its that time of year again, Halloween, Guy Forks night, and the British Schools Orienteering Championships. This years championships are being held on the 15-16th of November in Delamere Forest, NWOA. On Saturday there is a trianing event, and moreimportantly, the selection race for the World...

IOF World Ranking Events

The International Orienteering Federation has announced the world ranking events for 2004. Britain has 3 world ranking events next year. Both individual races of the JK and the NGOC national event, 2nd May. In 2004 there will be 4 WR events in Kazakhstan, and 5 in Serbia and Montenegro! For ful...

Smalandskavlen Relay

for a good review of the finale of the swedish o season see

WRE2004 Announced

IOF have revealed details of next years World Ranking events. The British Races are JK Days 1&2 and a North Gloucester NE, the classic race as part of the 0007 Weekend, also likely to be a selection race. for further details see

Gross banned from TINTO Twin!

SOA Performance Director G.Ross has been banned from attending this weekends Tinto twin after trying to organise a start list for Elite runners. The event is controversially going ahead on a 'turn-up-and-go' policy, hardly the standards one expects from Scotlands premier night/day event/Scottish...

Trewan suing PWT

Aussie elite runner Cassie Trewan is sueing the PWT for 42,000 EURO after injuring her back landing on a crash mat in a Leibnitz sprint race in 2000. Trewan was not alone in injuring herself on this mat, Jamie Stevenson was forced to retire after twisting his ankle on the landing. This lawsui...

JWOC 2004

The IOF has chosen Poland to be the host nation for the Junior World Orienteering Championships in 2004. Bulletin 1 has been released and is available on the website. Russia were forced to withdraw after not meeting the required deadlines set by the...

FCC 2004 Fixtures Released

The Schedule for the Future Champions Cup 2004 has been released. Follow the [url=]link[/url] to see the fixtures. Yet again the season kicks off with a double weekend, Short race on Saturday, and 'Classic' on the Sunday. This year it is the techni...

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