Interviews Headlines

Get to know Geco: free orienteering event management software

Earlier this year we found out about Geco, new software freely available for managing orienteering events, so we thought we'd catch up with developer Simon Denier to find out more about the project and its development.

O-scape: free orienteering mapping software

We've just learnt about the development of new software that allows the drawing of orienteering maps for free, good news I'm sure you'll agree. So we got in touch with the developer of the O-scape extensions, for use with the open source vector drawing software Inkscape, to find out more about the project.

PT 2010: Word fae the Planners

Quick update from Duncan Grassie, one of the planners of the Purple Thistle 2010.

Podcast - Jukola Special

With the biggest relay event in the world about to happen, we catch up with Jon Duncan of KOK.

Interview: Oentries Version 3 Released

Oentries version 3 has been released, pushing it into 2010. Nopesport catches up with its creator, Alastair Brunton for the lowdown. Oentries is now apparently The Connoisseur's Choice.

Arthritis forces Simon Beck to cut back

Former elite orienteer can longer run properly

WUOC - Helen Bridle

Nopesport – With two medals and a further top ten result, last week's WUOC must rank as one of your most successful o weeks. Has it sunk in yet? How does it compare with past results? Helen Bridle - It was a totally brilliant week and definitely my most successful ever. I´m not really sure i...

Alistair Doyle - Comrades

Comrades Take 2 ... the "Up" Run They say lightning doesn't strike twice, but it looks like insanity rules in the GO camp, as 2005 Comrades victims Jeremy Wilde and Alastair Doyle from Guildford Orienteers return to Durban for a second bite of the cherry in June. After completing the "Down" ru...

Mike Hampton - 2500 events!

Hi Mike, we hear you recently reached the milestone of attending 2500 orienteering events, congratulations! We wanted to ask you a bit more about how you have managed to rack up so many events?! How did you get into it? how have you managed to go to so many events? Any other interesting stats you...

Pre-EOC chat - Sarah Rollins

Hi Sarah, thanks for chatting to us. So how has your preparation been going for EOC? has your winter & spring training gone to plan? Winter training has gone really well. I was totally wiped out by the illness that I had at the British. I kept willing myself to be better which was why I star...

Pre-EOC chat with Matt Crane

So Matt, how is your preparation going? Has it gone as planned? Good! I´ve had a really good winter´s training with a good quantity and varietyof training. I´ve a couple minor illnesses and niggles but that´s behind me nowso I´m raring to go now with no excuses! What would be typical we...

Rob Baker on his EOC selection

Congratulations on your selection for the European Championships Rob! Was this a surprise selection for you or all part of the plan? Thanks for the congratulations - I certainly appreciate all the kind words that I have received in the last couple of days from family, friends and club mates. ...

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