Nope Headlines

Rich text editor issue

The submit article rich text editor does not work with 3.57 of Firefox. If you update your Firefox to version 3.6 (latest at the time of writing) all is well.

New Nopesport Feature

A screencast about the new submit story feature.

forum rss is back This will give you the recent posts to the public forums. For the advanced you can also request a particular forum by passing the variable fid in the url. (1=discussion, 2=banter) It will be a discovery link after the new forum style is finis...

back up and running

After an unscheduled server upgrade everything went to pot. We now seem to have everything up an running again. Sorry for the inconvience caused!

new training feature

It is that time of year when most people are winding down from training after the summer or looking to decide what to do and how to plan their winter training...well to help you, Nopesport brings you a new Training feature! Nopesports very own in-house coach Andy kitchin has produced the 1st, ...

Training 1 :: intro & planning

It's hard to get out there and train and it's even harder to know what is effective training and what is not. Nopesports very own in-house coach Andy Kitchin has drawn on his expertise, experience and his vast wealth of knowledge to bring you the 1st, in what we hope will be a series of training ...

graffiti competition winners

The winners of the nopesport graffiti competition 2006 are Paul Nixon and Pete Huzan. They submitted a collection of humorous images from all around London. The winning image is pictured above. Their prize is a team entry to the city chase. Andrew Mein is given the place of runner up for hacki...

nopesport graffiti competition

We have a team entry for the citychase to give away. An adventure race in London in September - More info To decide who gets this entry we have decided to have a little competition. It is a promotional competition. The aim of the game is to take photographs of a g...

personal training rss

You can now view your personal training diary entries as rss. This gives you the opportunity to have your training display on your own personal website. Also if you are a coach or a stalker you can keep an aye on what training someone is doing to guess where they are going to be on a certain ...

recent training rss

You can now keep up to date with recent training activity via rss. This feed is available at Enjoy

new links page (again)

Ive redone the links page again. Its still powered by but now has the links on the page rather than being generated by javascript. The upshot of this is that google will now pay attention to our links and our and all the orienteering sites we link to. So we should see a big ris...


We would like to thank all the loyal users of this site and tell you to look out in the future as some big things are going to be happening around here.

now you can stalk/map/frappr!

As well as our new nope nonsense chat functionality (see here), we are pleased to bring you more timewasting opportunities in the form of two new frappr groups. Frappr, which stands for Friend Mapper, allows you to plot people and places in groups on a worldwide google map. We've set up two...

now you can chat!

We now have a simple chat page where everyone can talk real-time avoiding filling the forum with unecessary rubbish. This is only an experiment and may be removed if we spot any 'grooming'.

orienteering wiki

Hello, We have decided to try and start an orienteering wiki as an experiment. Its success and popularity depends on you guys, the users. After looking at the success of and online encyclopedia we thought the same system could be applied to orienteering. For more information o...

nopesport in 2006

As our daily visitors grow we bring you more to enjoy! The ideas factory in the [nope] dungeons continue to work overtime to bring you some great features and events for 2006. Events Purple Thistle, 26th-27th August: 2006 sees the return of the successful Purple Thistle, this time taking ...

training diaries

An update has been made to the diaries to allow editing of entries. There are has also been a number of bugfixes. Keep an eye out for training reports due to be released soon.

oentries interview

Nopesport bumped into Alastair (Pyrat) Brunton as he returned from Canada with an orienteering entries system under his arm. We grabbed him for an interview: Nopesport So you have written an online entry system. Why bother when there are a few others which are already out there? Alastair...

forum rss

I recently received a question asking if it was possible to view only discussion topics when using the forum rss feed. Yes it is possible. You need to supply an argument to the url to get a forum of your choice instead of the default setting of all public forums. eg. All public forums: ...

new links page

We have a shiny new links page. We are trying to keep this as up to date as possible so if you notice any errors please contact us. If you would like to add to the page you can do so yourself. Login to delicious username nopesport password nopelinks and add the link you want tagging it with th...

the end of the guest

Its been a long saga. Anonyminity versus the identity of the registered user. We have long been in favour of the anon login and freedom of speech. But there has been a final nail in the coffin for the guest user. We are being hit by spam bots exploiting the anonymous logins so its over guys. ...

merry christmas

On behalf of the nopesport team I would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year. We hope you are spending this time with your homies and relaxing over the festive period.

nope :: we are two

Having matured like a fine wine, it was with no pomp and great intoxication that we at celebrated our 2nd birthday today. With members having flown the nest to far flung places like Whistler, Glenmore and Dorridge, it was celebrated instead with a quiet meal and some asda cake (it'...

shop :: b'day / xmas deal

As a mark of early Christmas cheer we're offering free postage on [nope] hoodie's for the next 2 weeks only. What better way to show your appreciation for a loved one than with a nice warm and incredibly beautiful item of clothing from the [nope] range. Don't forget we also have a limited numbe...

deleting training entries

I have now written a delete function for the training diaries so it is possible to finally delete wrong entries!

Nopesport Awards 2005

As the 2005 orienteering season draws to a close it is time for awards to be given out and praise to be given ...but before we roll out the red carpet and pop the champagne we must first decide who deserves to take the awards! Over the next 5 or 6 weeks we will be asking you to decide who sho...


We are moving to faster more reliable servers. This transition is going to take place over the next 24 hours. Essentially, there will be 2 versions of on the internet. The current version will be locked out after the switch is made. It will take up to 24 hours for the changes pro...

House Rules

The [nope] cartel in their wisdom have created a series of house rules. These simple laws will help everyone enjoy t'sport and make it a happy place. Love your orienteering brother (or sister)! they can be found here

add photos to our gallery

light56money[*at*] you can add photos to our flickr account by emailing them to the above address. When you upload photos by email, use the subject line to give your photo a title, and the body of the email to give it a description. Remember only attach one photo per ema...

Welcome Back!!

On behalf of the [nope] cartel i'd like to welcome you back to! I would also like to apologise for inconvenience caused for the down time that has been experienced. This was caused by a confusion between domain registeries and a hoax renewal letter received. Over the coming few days...

Nopesport relies on user submitted articles. Got an inside scoop? An event review? Please submit it to us.


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