Norwegian Champs : : Middle
In a coutry with as many high class athletes as Norway, anything can happen.
The titles of Norwegian Middle Distance Champions 2004 go to Holger Hott Johansen and Marianne Andersen. Holger was backed up by his clubman Anders Norberg and bronze was taken by Hans Olaf Amblie of the weakened Oslo club Baekkelaget, while Maria Hoffman of Halden pushed Hanne Staff in to 3rd place. But the real surprises were not at the top, they were much further down: Emil Wingstedt and Mats Haldin in 19th and 20th places respectively and club mate Jarkko Huovila in 27th. Two years ago these three caused uproar in Norway by taking the top 3 positions in the Norwegian Championships, pushing the first Norwegian into 4th place. And at the very bottom of the list, Dan Marston finished 55th, over 15 minutes down.
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