jwoc :: opens today!


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In a few hours teams from the 37 nations will parade around Centro Sportivo, in Tenero South Switzerland, to announce the opening of the 2005 Junior World Championships. The athletes will then have to endure the local mayor giving a 2 paragraph too long speech, telling everyone how pleased they are that they are hosting JWOC and that in their eyes “The youth of today are the future of tomorrow”. There will no doubt be some traditional local dancing in strange clothes followed by a tedious national anthem, and if they are very lucky, a spectacularly over performed yet under produced europop song specially commissioned for the competition which may or may not include the words and phrases “all over the world” “coming together” “hop” “friendship” and of course “love”.

Most of the teams will have been there since the beginning of the weekend, acclimatising and getting a few more technical sessions in before the big event. On Monday there was an unofficial sprint race held in conjunction with the international Post Finance Sprint. From 2006 onwards the Sprint distance will be an official event at the Junior World Championships. Each nation was allowed 1 runner for boys and girls. GBR had Jessica Halliday and Scott Fraser flying the flag. Scott Fraser asserted his dominance, winning by 11 seconds. In the girls race the Scandinavians were on top, just how they like it, and Jessica Halliday was 15th

Boys, 3.19km, 70m climb, 21 controls
1. GBR – Scott Fraser 17:38
2. ESP – Francisco Navarro Cutill 17:49
3. SUI – Christian Mathys 17:52

Post Finance Sprint (same course)
1. David Schnieder 15:56
8. Oli Johnson 16:59

Girls, 2.86km, 70m climb, 20 controls
1. NOR – Elise Egseth 18:46
2. SWE – Helena Jansson 19:27
3. DEN – Ane Linde 19:35

15. GBR – Jessica Halliday 24:31

Post Finance Sprint (same course)
1. Simone Niggli 16:03
8. Sarah Rollins 18:33
10. Jenny Whitehead 19:23

Here is the programme for the rest of the week:

Tuseday 12th July
Middle Distance Qualification, Tesserete

Girls 3.2km, 120m climb, 11 controls, 22 minute winning time
Boys 3.9km, 160m climb, 12 controls, 22 minute winning time
First Start 10:00 CET (09:00 UK Time)

Wednesday 13th July
Middle Distance Final, Taverne

Girls A Final 3.0km, 110m climb, 14 controls, 25 minute winning time
Boys A Final 3.5km, 120m climb, 17 controls, 25 minute winning time
First B & C Final Start 09:00 CET
First A Final Start 10:00 CET

Thursday 14th July
Long Distance, Arcegno

Girls 6.6km, 340m climb, 18 controls, 55 minute winning time
Boys 9.5km, 480m climb, 25 controls, 73 minutes winning time
First Start 09:00 CET

Friday 15th July
Well deserved rest day

Saturday 16th July
Relay, San Bernardino

Girls 3 x 5.2km, 220m climb, 18 controls, 38 minute winning time
Boys 3 x 7.2km, 320m climb, 24 controls, 47 minute winning time
Mass Starts:
Boys 09:30 CET
Girls 09:45 CET

Team GBR for JWOC 2005 is:

Lizzie Adams, SOC & ShUOC Hallam
Helen Gardner, WAOC
Jessica Halliday, OD & soon EUOC Legends
Mhairi Mackenzie, WCOC & EUOC Legends
Cerys Manning, SWOC & OUOC Geniuses
Alison O’Neil, NOC & EUOC Legends

Oleg Chepelin, GRAMP & EUOC Legends
Duncan Coombs, MAROC & soon EUOC Legends
Matt Dickinson, DVO & ShUOC Captain
Scott Fraser, INT & EUOC Legends
Dan Halliday, OD & EUOC Legends
James Tullie, RR & EUOC Legends

Chris Poole, Team Disorganiser
Jason Inman, Head Coach
Sarah Noot, Girls Coach
James Williams, Boys Coach

Good Luck to the whole of Team GBR

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