EUOC Burns Weekend

Another year, another legendary weekend of orienteering courtesy of EUOC. Following the success of last year’s event, the Burns Weekend is once again coming to Edinburgh on the 24th/25th January 2009.
The weekend kicks off with a street race, starting in the parkland surroundings of the meadows in the heart of the city, the race will take in the historic old and new towns, as well as some park-o. The maze of stairs, alleyways and ancient buildings make for some of the most technically challenging street orienteering in the whole of the U.K.
Then on Saturday night, the fun continues with a ceilidh in the southside community centre. This will feature a live dance band along with licensed bar, haggis, poetry, bagpipes and more. It really will be a feast of Scots style entertainment!
On Sunday the racing moves to Arthur's Seat, again near the city centre, but a completely different orienteering experience for a South of Scotland O League (SoSOL) event offering the full range of colour coded courses. An extinct volcano, "the seat" offers steep hills, rocky outcrops and fast running. What better way to see the city than from the top of an extinct volcano? Should you have time to stop and take them in, the views are spectacular!
And with all the races taking places within walking distance of the city centre, with its train and bus stations, there’s no need to bring the car. So thats the ‘carbon footprint’ taken care of too!
See for further details.

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