Military Challenge 2009 (updated)


On Saturday 19 December BAOC will once again be organising the Around Aldershot MTBO & ‘O’ races near Camberley, offering tough mountain bike orienteering and some top notch long orienteering.

After 2 years at Longmoor Camp the event is returning to some of the toughest Army training areas specially linked and extended for the event. Barossa, Ash, Mytchett, Long Valley & Hawley offer some of the most challenging terrain to be found in the South and there will be three MTBO courses based on normal line O, and six orienteering courses.


A: Long MTBO Course (40 Km).
B: Medium MTBO Course (25 Km).
C: Short MTBO Course (12 Km).

D. Black (Hard) Foot ‘O’ course at 18km.
E. Brown (Hard) Foot O Course at 10km.
F. Blue (Hard) Foot O Course at 7.5km
G. Green (Hard) Foot O Course at 4.5km
H. Red (Moderate) Foot O course at 7.5km.
I. Orange (Easy) Foot O course at 3.5km.

Full details are available on the BAOC website.

The Military Challenge - Saturday 19 December - The event is going ahead.

Take care driving to the event, particularly on the Kings Ride estate road leading to the area which is likely to be icy throughout the day. Be careful entering the area and on the training area roads which are also likely to be icy. Drive slowly and carefully on the training area.

On the courses, no problems are expected other than the A & B courses will need to be careful on minor roads. See the Start Lists to confirm entry details. These now include all postal and online entries.

Limited EOD is available. There are three MTBO courses and 6 Foot-O course (ranging from Orange to Black) with starts from 0930-1300. See the Flier for further details.

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