Spring Cup Update
The Spring Cup organisers have released the 4th installment of information about the 2005 Danish race series.
The storms which hit the UK earlier this month also affected Denmark, as well as much of Northern Europe. A large amount of forest was damaged, and some events have had to be cancelled, but apparently this will not affect the Spring Cup races. It has, however, made extra work for race officials.
"The storm caused minor damages only in Teglstrup Hegn (Spring Cup Night-sprint) and Tisvilde Hegn Øst (Spring Cup Classic), while an area around 500 x 500 metres was flattened by the winds in Grib Skov Nord (Spring Cup Relay). Compared to other forests in the vicinity, the damages on the three Spring Cup 2005 forests were quite small; however, some courses and controls had to be relocated, especially in Grib Skov Nord (Spring Cup Relay)."
Other news in the 4th newsletter relates to extra training, and a reminder that the closing date for entries at normal fees is 15th February.
For all the latest news and information on Spring Cup, visit www.springcup.dk
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