Ultimate OOcup test

Pathless karst terrain at the OOcup
A great idea here from the OOcup, one of Europe's most enjoyable, well organised yet low key, and super technical multiday orienteering events.
They have decided to introduce some new Ultimate classes, which will involve running on a map with no paths. So lots of contours, thousands of rocks and cliffs of all sizes and shapes, but no paths to help your relocation in the tough karst terrain. Here's what they say about it:
U stands for Ultimate. Ultimate challenge for ultimate fun!
- ...give free entry to the first competitors in each of the U classes.
- ...give each runner in "U" class who completes all 5 stages a special T-shirt for free.
- ...offer lower entry fees. Currently the entry fee for regular courses is 65 EUR. "U" classes fee is 50EUR.
- ...pay back the money difference to those who already paid the fee but want to change the class.
To find out more visit the OOcup website.
You can also vote for what you think of the Ultimate Classes in our forum - be it craziness, stupidity, nerdy, fun or a challenge!
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