Sweden dominates Middle Distance
Marcus Andersson got first place in the M1 selected teams category, Anton Johansson was the fastest in the M1 School teams category. In the same female classes, Frida Sandberg and Olivia Kollberg ruled.
The victories in the other four categories were equally divided between four nations. Winners were Markus Schaberl (AUT/M2 selected teams), Riccardo Scalet (ITA/M2 school teams), Angelika Maciejewska (POL/W2 selected teams) and Jennifer Ricketts (SCO/W2 school teams).
Overall, competitors from nine nations – Sweden, Italy, England, Latvia, Finland, Scotland, France, Austria, Poland – reached podium places.
Tomorrow, the Friendship Event (11 am) will be held. In this final competition, every team consists of three athletes from three different countries; they will start all together, run different routes and have to cross the finish line holding hands. The closing ceremony and Farewell Party is planned from 8.00 pm on.
Complete results: http://www.italiaor2011.com/it/content/gara-tempo-reale
More about the 2011 ISF Orienteering World School Championship: www.italiaor2011.com
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