Cliffhanger Ultrasprint returns to Sheffield

Cliffhanger Ultrasprint
The UK's first ever Ultrasprint orienteering event will take place at it's birth-event, Cliffhanger, for the fifth year in a row on Sunday July 3rd. A high intensity, high speed form of orienteering, the Ultrasprint starts and finishes into a specially constructed labyrinth. Competitors face a technical and physical challenge that includes complex map reading, multi-terrain racing, and a number of river crossings. A number of the UK's top elite orienteers will battle it out over a qualifying stage and final to become the Ultrasprint champion 2011. Prizes will be provided by Inov8 and SYO.
Visitors to Cliffhanger can experience the labyrinth for themselves on Saturday all day and late Sunday after watching the experts racing around the park on Sunday morning and early afternoon. It is free of charge to take part and test yourself over a series of short courses of increasing difficulty. South Yorkshire Orienteers will have a number of experienced athletes on hand to offer tips and coaching, and you will be provided with a specially produced map that is yours to keep. All ages and abilities are welcome.
More information on the race is available on the SYO website.
More information on what else is on at Cliffhanger and how to get to Millhouses Park (including free park and ride) is at the Cliffhanger website
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