Scottish 6 Days News

Latest Event Information
There have been many updates and new content added to the website in the last few days. It would be advisable to keep checking the 2011 website for new content and extra information added to existing entries.
Start times published
Start time information for competitors on the Age Class Courses except M21E and W21E have now been published.
Collection of race bibs and programme
All entrants will collect their race bib and programme this year. Nothing is being posted out (except training maps if requested at time of order).
Full details about collection on the website.
Collection will be from Dalmally Community Hall, adjacent to A85 on Saturday 30th between 12 noon and 8pm, or the Information Point in the Assembly area each day.
You can download a copy of the programme now.
A printed copy given to every competitor when they collect their race bibs.
Important information
You should check these if they may affect you:
String course participants
Dog owners
Motorhome owners
Minibus drivers.
Rest day events
Both of the rest day events are near the event centre.
There is a Mountain Bike Orienteering race in the morning, this is a score event, so good for mixed fitness levels, and you can enter online here.
Then in the afternoon a Forest Sprint race, with a mixture of mature woodland, beach, dunes and caravan park,enter online here.
In the evening is the infamous 6 Days quiz, one of the many social activities held at the event centre, which also has a bar open every night.
Things to do
There are a large number of local attractions listed, and some special offers to participants. Including Adventure Sessions with Stramash in sea kayaking, canoeing, coasteering and canyoning. Plus Scenic Air Tours, Rally Karting, Seafari Adventures, Ice Climbing, Sea Life Sanctuary, Local Craft market etc.
Training and Coaching
You can still get copies of the training maps and benefit from the help and guidance of qualified coaches. Read about the Training and Coaching opportunities that are available in the week before the event.
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