The Harvester Approaches

So with the Harvester Relay start a little over 24 hours away the anticipation and excitement is really growing. As many people will know this is the first event in Britain to have GPS tracking, meaning that spectators can watch all the movements of some of the best orienteers in the country from the relative comfort of the event centre or their own home. This service will be combined with live results being that even if your team is not being tracked you should still be able to keep reasonably up to date with their progress.
The organising team is recommending that people stay up until just past midnight to watch the live tracking of the first leg of the A relay where there will be 10 teams tracked. This 7.1 km leg is expected to be won in around an hour.
From the start of the relay registration at 19.00 we are also hoping to be interviewing some runners from the top teams as well as key organising officials to learn about their hopes and expectations for this event.
Updates will be found on the website:
and via ShUOC twitter!/ShefUniOclub
Expert punditry will be provided through the night by ShUOC's own Junior World Champs medalist Kris Jones.
Stay tuned for more information.
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