OMM France 2011 (Massif Jurassien)

Val de Morteau - Massif Jurassien - Doubs
3th - 4th September 2011
OMM France (previously known as the Alpine KIMM or Euro KIMM), is a friendly, well-organised, low-key, two day mountain marathon score event, sponsored by the Tourist Association of the town/village hosting the event. This year, there are 2 Courses – Long & Short Score – in both of which you will be competing against other pairs in your age category.
In previous years, the highest-scoring controls have been at altitudes of over 2000m. The control description translations often raise a smile – last year’s best was ‘Gulf, north side’, describing a control point on the northern edge of a ditch! The maps definitely aren’t quite up to O.S. standard - the contour lines have to be studied very closely & for some time before it’s possible to decide if the slope is ascending or descending (!) However, it’s the same for everyone, & the stunning scenery, occasional sightings of marmots, the sound of cowbells & the complimentary Genepy round the campfire at the overnight camp more than make up for any lack of map quality.
Competitors have the opportunity to enjoy a great variety of terrain throughout the week-end. Over the last ten years, we’ve sprinted through Alpine meadows in full flower, scrambled on warm, dry rock, grappled on icy via ferratas, marched up through beautiful cool forests, savouring the scent of juniper, scree-run down fantastic steep descents underneath the line of ski lifts, trudged up glacier moraines, enjoyed the views from controls on high summits, waded through ankle-deep snow, & run effortlessly along GR routes following superb long ridges.
British teams seem to do consistently well, with most British pairs having a podium finish in their class (presumably because you can always see where you’re going, & if you’ve been training on English peat hags, Scottish tussock grass, or slippery Welsh slate, the terrain seems a doddle). Presentation takes places in glorious sunshine, after lunch & wine courtesy of the local ‘mayor’.
Further details and online entry can be found on Fabian4.
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