St Andrews sprint & urban weekend

This weekend is your last opportunity to get entries in for the Scottish Sprint Championships, and round 2 of the Nopesport Urban League, taking place in St Andrews on the 3rd & 4th March. St Andrews will offer a fantastic weekend of urban action, with terrain ranging from the old town, housing estates, ancient University quads and newer university campuses.
Saturday 3rd March sees the Scottish Sprint Championships, with a qualifying round from 11:00 and the final taking place from around 13:30. The event will be based at the North Haugh campus and offer a classic sprint test, with university buildings coupled with woodland, parkland and sports pitches. More details available on the Scottish Sprint Championships page of the ESOC website.
Sunday 4th March will be a more urban challenge around the streets of St Andrews, with longer courses taking in the historic old town in the second round of the Nopesport Urban League following last month's Edinburgh City Race. Full details available on the ESOC website.
Entries close on Sunday 26th February so don't miss out on what promises to be a great weekend of racing.
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