Orienteering at Westfield Stratford City

On the 15th April 2012, Westfield Stratford City will play host to an Orienteering event like no other. Spread over 4 floors with an outdoor element, the brand new shopping centre provides a unique location for an urban Orienteering race. With the proximity to the Olympics this is a great opportunity to try something totally novel and exciting.
The race itself is a 45 minute score course with mass starts every 15 minutes from 9am. Using Sport Ident kit, see if you can find all the controls in the time limit! Every competitor that finishes will receive money off vouchers for the running chain 'Sweat Shop'. Every £2 of your entry will be donated to Richard House Childrens Hospice.
Need more convincing?
Why not bring the family and go for a leisurely lunch overlooking the spectacular Olympic Park? Of course there is the obvious appeal for keen shoppers, with labels from Hugo Boss to Fat Face, there is something to suit everyone.
Entries close 10th April and places are limited so enter early to avoid dissapointment.
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