Scottish 6 Days, Moray Video

Moray 2013
The Moray 2013 promotional video was put together by local company Wildbird, using "actors" Johnstone and Harry from Forest Jump.
At the event itself for live filming we are close to securing the use of the team under Karel Jonak who have provided coverage at various WOCs. It is hoped that we will also have some UK involvement thanks to help using Nopesport in pushing someone forward! Per Forsberg will be providing commentary and a big screen will be trundling its way northwards for use over 4 of the days including Euromeeting. This will be a great event basking under summer skies, with dolphins leaping out of the water as ospreys and sea eagles swoop overhead.
Join us in 2013 for some top quality orienteering and get an outstanding holiday location included free!.
Moray 2013 website and entry details
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