Long Event in the South?

We believe theres sufficient interest in long distance Orienteering events to justify staging such an event in the Autumn of 2015, (and yearly after if successful) Before we put a lot of effort in we need to know if it would be supported. The event would take place in the S/W corner of the New Forest using maps which join and overlap.
Date likely to be mid-October (i.e a couple of weeks before the O.M.M to give a perfect training opportunity) Course distance probably between 15 and 30 K.M to give a choise for all abilities, but plenty of scope for those wanting a long, tough day on their feet.
New Forest whilst not precipitous is a fantsatic location for preparing for events in 50 square K of wild area. Nearer than travelling to the North where many of the long distance races are held.
If you think this is something you would like to see happen, please email your support to mf.jason@gmail.com before the end of March, this does not commit you to entering but gives us an idea of whether or not it is worth putting in a lot of effort to stage this event.
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