LegenDerry 3 Day

NI Orienteering are organising an urban sprint race in the 2013 UK City of Culture, Derry ~ Londonderry as a part of an exciting weekend of orienteering over the St. Patrick’s weekend.
Saturday 15th March
Sprint- Londonderry (Prologue and Final)
Sunday 16th March
Middle (Binevenagh- British Champs 2002 area)
Sprint (Coleraine University)
Monday 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day)
Ultra Sprint (Londonderry)
With 5 Events in 3 days this makes this a very worthwhile weekend to attend. Plus with Ryanair flying to City of Derry airport from all over the UK this is a very easy event to get to.
More details can be found at: http://www.niorienteering.org.uk/NIOA/?Noticeboard:LegenDerry_3_Day
Enter at: https://oentries.com/multi/events/41-legenderry-3-day/details
Contact Allan for more information: coaching@niorienteering.org.uk
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