Scottish Spring 2016 - entries now open

Friday 22nd April - Dark Thistle Night Race
Information at
Saturday 23rd April - JOK Chasing Sprint (UK Elite O League)
The JOK Chasing Sprint has been held since before "Sprint" orienteering was invented. It comprises two races each of approximately 20-25 mins winning time.
The start times for the chase are determined by the results from the prologue in such a way that the first person to cross the finishing line is the overall winner.
Sunday 24th April - Middle Distance (WRE, UK Elite O League)
Elite middle distance race (WRE status) with the opportunity for all to test their mettle on a fantastic new map only used once before. This race will be planned by Graham Gristwood, and will be a counting race in the UK Elite Orienteering League. The estimated winning time for elite runners is 32 minutes. Parking and assembly at Faskally Caravan Park, north of Pitlochry.
Entries now open at
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