NEW OMM event - Chilterns

The OMM LITE series comes to the Chilterns.
The 2 day orienteering event has been very popular in the Peak District and Yorkshire Dales and will be in the Chilterns in July. The event has been a big success in pulling new people into our sport as well as providing training for seasoned orienteers.
OMM LITE Chilterns
Date: 16-17 July 2016
Location: Path Hill outdoors, Goring Heath, Reading
OMM LITE follows the same 2 day orienteering score format as the October OMM with teams choosing their own routes and visiting as many checkpoints as they can.
- Trails, bridleways & footpaths only. (not open access, due to the time of year)
- Return to HQ at the end of day 1 and park next to your tent, bring everything you need for a comfortable weekend.
- Based on a campsite with food and catering all weekend.
- Make it as hard as you want, you can even go for a pub lunch during the race if you want.
OMM LITE is about experiencing the OMM mountain marathon format without some of the more gnarly aspects. Allowing you time to practice/train and enjoy the freedom that comes from the score course format.
See the website for more information
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