Scottish Spring 23rd-25th March

Barr Wood
Members and friends of the Great Britain senior squad, SEDS and ScotJOS have joined together to create an action packed weekend of orienteering on the 23rd-25th March 2018. With five high quality races based around Stirling this is the perfect opportunity to prepare for this year’s JK and British Championships, with something on offer for everybody.
The weekend starts with an exciting night race in the complex terrain of Barr Wood on the Friday evening. Saturday will see competitors testing their middle distance skills at Abbey Craig in the morning, with an opportunity to visit the Wallace Monument, followed by a high speed and complex sprint race at nearby Rosyth Castlandhill in the afternoon (part of the UK Elite Orienteering League, and a brand new map). For those with any remaining energy there will be a night race at Polmaise in the evening, with both long and short courses on offer. On Sunday the Scottish Orienteering League is taking place at Auchingarrich. With its physically and technically challenging terrain this will be the perfect end to the weekend.
All the events are linked to fund raising for the Great Britain team and top Scottish juniors, so your entry will be helping those athletes and in return you will be rewarded with a top rate weekend.
Full details, including entries, can be found here:

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