Norwich Urban Weekend - 14/15th April

Come and enjoy a run through the campus of the University and the historical medieval city of Norwich with courses that will physically and mentally challenge you
Day 1 is situated on the heart of the campus at the University of East Anglia. The eastern part of the map with the newer residential buildings is relatively straight forward. The central part of the campus is built on a sloping edge of the Yare valley on two levels with numerous stairs and many passageways through and between the buildings, this provides challenging navigation on the more technical courses.
Day 2 is an Urban event in the heart of the medieval city of Norwich. The boundaries are the river Wensum on the east side, with parts of the old city wall visible in the south, west and north. This is the area the competition map depicts, with the Castle on higher ground and Cathedral on lower ground, near the river. The city is laced with small passageways and many areas are pedestrianised.
Pre- enter via Fabian4 before 10th April. Further details are on our website
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