Sprint Scotland 2018 - 19th to 22nd July

Kris Jones in action
In it's third year, Sprint Scotland is proud to invite you to a weekend of high quality sprint orienteering in Falkirk, Denny and Grangemouth. The event is organised by the Masterplan Adventure team of Graham Gristwood, Chris Smithard, Kris Jones and Fanni Gyurko, who between them have countless top international and domestic sprint results. There is coaching available for those who want it on Thursday and Friday (3 courses each day), or just the opportunity to do lots of orienteering for those who don't! In the evenings there are talks and Q&A sessions about different aspects of sprint orienteering. Then at the weekend there are 3 races on new areas - including a round of the Scottish Urban Orienteering League, and 3 World Ranking Events for the elite classes. Saturday night sees another talk and Q&A by a top international sprint orienteer about their experiences, followed by a ceilidh (traditional Scottish dancing).

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