FCC5 - Collie Nathais 28/03/04
W18 5.7km
1. Ruth Holmes 62.39
2. Kirsten Strain 72.40
3. Victoria Campbell 79.45
W20 5.7km
1. Fiona Berrow 56.58
2. Rose Burden 68.48
M18 8.7km
1. Duncan Coombs 62.55
2. Andrew Brunton 63.17
3. Will Spain 67.10
4. Chris Mitchell 67.16
5. Josh Jenner 69.52
6. Iain Embrey 70.09
7. James Tullie 70.33
8. Kyle Heron 71.54
9. Rhys Findlay-Robinson 72.27
10. Edward Cochrane 72.49
11. Douglas Tullie (M16) 73.58
12. Joe Mercer 74.47
M20 8.7km
1. Jordan Larne 71.05
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