ski-o NOC Sprint
It was a Swedish white out in Firdays sprint distance event. After a morning qualifier only eight skiers raced in each final, with a swede winning every race.
M20 saw Erik Söhjelm triumph by 17 seconds, while in W20 Monica Lund won by a similar margin.
Competition was fierce in the senior calsses with WOC and WC medallist battling for glory. In the mens race it was Bertil Nordkvist who triumphed by only 7 seconds over Tomas Löen, SWE while the womens race saw Stina Grenholm triumph by 27 seconds over the Finn, Hannele Valkonen.
the summary for the day was
Sweden 4 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze
Finland 1 Silver, 1 bronze
Norway 1 Silver.
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