Chasing Sprint
Just three days after the website was launched saw the impromptu staging of the first ever nopesport race. Held in conjunction with Gramps local event at Drum woods, EUOC legends fought it out for the title of 'Naked Pig 2003'
Prologue was held around the orange course, fast and furious sprint racing through bracken and bog. Murray crusied round the 2.7km in 13.01 to finish with a 48 second cusion to the Double act of Scott and hill running supremo Iain Donnan, 1 second ahead of Oleg. In the girls race Anna Edenbrandt finished a minute clear of Miss' MacKenzie and Berrow.
Controversy reigned in the interval before the 4.5km final as Murray pulled out due to an injury sustained in qualifying, then re-entered with only minutes to his start in a scenario reminiscient of Novikovs classic at WOC. However Murrays result was allowed to stand so off he went into the forest, knowing he had some world class running talent hot on his heels. Scott, Iain and Oleg pushed each other hard and caught Murray on the way to the 6th, a long leg where Murrays lack of compass saw him wander off line. Scott took the lead to the seventh but never found it, wandering in dejectedly some time aftre the leaders had finished in resignation. Murray and Oleg raced hard for the remainder of the course but Oleg blew the race by running right past the 8th control. He relised on the way to the last and allowed Murray to take the lead and run into the arena for the title and his prize of an Asda SmartPrice chocolate biscuit.
The ladies race was far clearer cut, with swedish internationalist Anna leaving behind the guys she started with (Will and Grassie) to finish 5 minutes clear of the next girls.
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