Universities Training Weekend
Universities Training Weekend 23/24 October 2004
Come to Speyside for a tree-mendous weekend’s training!
This year’s Universities Training Weekend will follow a format similar to last year’s excellent weekend. Sessions will be split into two groups – beginners and advanced - to cater for all members of your club, both new and old. The training will be taking place on some of the best and most beautiful terrain this country has to offer and the emphasis will be very much on team building and fun. This will hopefully ensure that your club has a tree-mendous team spirit to take into the rest of the academic year.
The coaches for this year’s weekend will be James Williams and Jason Inman, both of whom are very experienced top class coaches who really know their stuff and are devising some great sessions as I type.
There will be two sessions each day with a social on the Saturday evening in amongst the bright lights of Aviemore.
By the end of the weekend the beginners will have the tools required to enjoy orienteering with reasonable success, the more experienced runners will have honed their skills on some testing technical terrain, your club will have a bit of team spirit and we’ll all have had a bit of fun!
I recommend you stay in the Aviemore SHYA
<> (at the moment there are 72 beds available). Reservations hotline is 0870 155 3255 or email reservations@syha.org.uk. Cost is £11.50 for members and £12.50 for non-members.
The training will be a super-cheap £8 per person which must be some kind of record for four sessions on some of the best terrain by two of the best coaches in the country!!
Detailed information with start times/training locations etc will be sent out in the week prior to the training.
At the moment I am looking for expressions of interest ie will your university be attending (Aberdeen and Edinburgh have both indicated they will there). If you can provide a rough idea of numbers that would be great. And if you can give a breakdown of beginners and experienced then that is even better. Final numbers are required by Friday 15 October although we will do our best to accommodate any changes after this date.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. And remember, this is your weekend so if you want anything in particular let me know and I’ll see what I can do (within reason…).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Ross McLennan
National Orienteering Centre
Glenmore Lodge
PH22 1QU
Tel/Fax: 01479 861713
Email: nationalocentre@scottish-orienteering.org
National O Centre
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