Spring Cup Prizes
In a recent edition of the Spring Cup 2004 newsletter the Prize Committee were pleased announce that they will focus on "quallity prizes for
all this year"
There are cash prizes for the top 3 in 21E of 3000DKr, 2000DKr and 1000DKr. Plus 1500DKr, 1000DKr and 500DKr for the top 3 in the junior elite classes. First place in the Mens open relay will bag your team 6000Dkr, and the winning womens open team gets 4500Dkr.
The relay also offers a special sprint prize of 1000DKr for the first person back on the open relays.
There will also be lottery prizes donated by the OL-Shop Sjælland, and przies for the LØBERNES Youth Cup for the best team of youngsters.
The Danish Kroner come at approximately 11 to the pound. You do the maths.
For more info visit the Spring Cup website
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