event :: PT'05 - enter soon

Entries are now starting to flood swiftly in before the closing date of August 12th so make sure you don't miss the opporunity to experience a wonderful orienteering area, unlikely to be used again for at least another 4 years (unless we've unwittingly started a trend).
On offer at Arisaig will be 4 courses on each day (27th & 28th August) with a 2/3km easy(ish) course for the youngsters and three full blown technical courses ranging from 4km to 10km for everybody else. With camping, assembly, entertainment and food all together in one location under the shadow of the area we are blessed with a fine setting for the event which will bring the curtain down an a great summer season of orienteering. Entries are also now available for what looks like being an short & exciting, handicapped relay at Glen Nevis on Monday 29th August.
Check out the website www.purple-thistle.co.uk for further details on the event & course details etc. Entry can be made online via the nopesport shop or using the postal details available on the site.
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