event :: scoa score champs

Support the South Central Junior Squad and their future development by attending their Score Event at Swinley Forest on the 2nd of October, this event will also incorporate the South Central Score Championships.
Location: Swinley West. Parking is on Forest Rides. There is a £1 per car parking fee. Entrance to Forest at GR SU 901680. The event will be signed from the large roundabout, A332 turnoff, 5 km N of Junction 3 of M3, at GR SU 903652. If at all possible, please approach from the south along the A332.
Terrain: Runnable, gently undulating, mixed forest
Map: 1:10,000, 5m contours, surveyed in 2002 with minor updates by BKO in 2004. Maps will be pre-marked and bagged.
Courses:Score courses at 45 minutes, aimed at M/W14 -, and 60 minutes. Long score course will be planned so that top orienteers could be able to visit all the controls within the time limit. Certificates for class winners.
Fees:Seniors £6.00, and Juniors £2.00. The event will be using EMIT Electronic Punching; EMIT Hire £1 Seniors and free for juniors.
Registration: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Starts: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Planner: Anne Edwards – TVOC
Controller: Roger Thetford - TVOC
Organiser: Dave Rogers – BKO (01344 628 623 between 7 and 9.30 PM only please)
Further details will be made available on the scjs website.
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