event :: PT details & entrants

For those attending the Purple Thistle in Lochaber this weekend you will find event details and entry lists are now available on the Purple Thistle Website.
We'd recommend you take waterproofs (and maybe wellies!) with you, the weather forecasts here (metcheck), here (bbc) & here (yahoo) make for rather bleak, but slightly variable, indicators of the weather. In the past 48 hours it has already washed out some of the Wilderness ARC, a five day adventure race in Lochaber, and now less than half the teams are still in the race!
Don't let that put you off though, just think of us putting out controls in torrential rain all day on Friday and remember that we're only out in that so that you can enjoy some quality orienteering!

Even the weather won't ruin your enjoyment of this terrain!
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