event :: MTBO Races 2006

MTBO UK present
A new series of high quality MTBO races for all in 2006:
Sat 11 Feb Wharncliffe Woods, nr Sheffield Long
Sat 11 March Blairadam Wood, nr Dunfermline Middle
Sun 12 March Achray Forest, nr Aberfoyle Ultra-Long
Sat 8 April Venue TBC, West Midlands/NW Middle
Sat 22 April Bishop Wood, nr Selby Sprint
Sun 23 AprilGilling Wood, nr Helmsley Mass Start
Sat 6 May Swinley Forest, nr Bracknell Long
Sat 3 June British MTBO Champs, Venue TBC Middle
Sun 4 June British MTBO Champs, Venue TBC Long
Events will be run with IOF standard maps, excellent courses providing lots of route choice, electronic punching and with your help, a high standard of competition.
Please note courses are cross-country (point to point) and NOT score events.
Winning times for events will vary from 30mins (Sprint) to 120mins (Ultra-Long). Each event will have 3 courses, tailored to produce the above winning times depending on your category.
Overall series winners in each TCA category will receive prizes, as will winners of the British MTBO Champs races. Additional prizes may become available.
The British MTBO Championship weekend is being used for final selection of the British team for World MTBO Championships July 2006 in Finland. The other series events will provide the selectors with additional information.
For further details on the series or on individual events, contact Karen Heppenstall or Chris Poole (Series Co-ordinators) on 01904 332235, or at ukmtboleague@ntlworld.com or check out the TCA website www.trailquest.co.uk
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