mtbo :: Worcester Trailquest

Trailquest comes to North Worcestershire for the second time.
A Trailquest event is being run in the South West Midlands for the second time. The first Event of this type in the area, held last September in Stourport attracted 78 entries from as far afield as Cumbria, London Yorkshire and South Wales.
Trailquest is Orienteering with a difference in that instead of being on foot, Mountain Bikes are used. So instead of Foot Orienteering's 'cunning running', Trailquest is 'clever cycling'.
The Event 'The Clent Canter' is being held on 12 March 2006 and is based at Lent Parish Hall, Church Avenue, Clent, Stourbridge.
Trailquest’s are 2-5 hour mountain bike orienteering events using Bridle Paths, Forest Tracks, Public Roads and Byways. You can compete in pairs or as a solo rider and the aim is to navigate from control to control, collecting as many points as possible, within your ability and then returning within the time limit or penalty points are incurred. You choose the route between the controls.
This event will have a 3 hour course for the keener riders and a 2 hour “TRY IT - TASTER” event, where all the same rules apply, but we will allow groups of up to 4 riders to navigate together and to help each other. This is suitable for families and first timers.
The participation is very wide, from super fit MTBer's to families wanting a cycling day out with a difference. One fact is that the Vet, Supervet and Masters Classes consistently perform as well or better than their juniors proving that you are not over the hill when you reach 40, 50 or even 60......
You will be supplied a FREE A4 colour extract from the O/S Landranger 139 1:50,000, to all competitors who pre-enter. Those who risk entry on the day may receive only a black and white copy. The maps will have all the control points pre-marked so no plotting has to be done.
Pre-entries must be received by Tuesday 17the March 2006. Late entries and entries on the day will cost more.
The venue, will be open from 08:30, with registration from 08:30 to 10:15.
For the both the 3 hour and 2 hour events you may start anytime between 9am and 10.30am.
Light refreshments will be available at the finish for competitors.
For more information on Trailquest and an entry form, go to either or where full details, including where to send your entry, are available.
If you want an entry form in the post, contact with your full address details or ring 07810 455837
Come and have a go at 'clever cycling'.
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