mtbo :: scottish double header
The weekend of the 11th & 12th March sees 2 MTB Orienteering events take place in Central Scotland. As part of the Compass Point MTBO Series and the Scottish Mountain Bike Series, the races will comprise Middle and Ultra Long Format Races.
The Middle Distance race has a estimated winning time of around 45 minutes and will take place at Blairadam Forest, just off Junction 4 of the M90 north of Dunfermline. The following day will see the racing move to Achray which is playing host to the BUSA Orienteering Championships the day before. Here riders will face a course with a more physical test with a 90 minute winning time, lots of hills and a great deal of route choice for good measure. Both races will use newly updated 1:15000 MTBO maps along with SI punching.
Full details & Entry Form can be found here
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