ukrl :: harvester weekend
On the 10/11th of June Roxburgh Reivers and Solway will host one of the most exciting weekends of orienteering in Scotland this year.
On Saturday 10th Solway begin the weekend at a fast and furious pace with the Scottish Sprint Champs and final UK cup race. It is being held at Barrhill wood near Dalbeattie.
On Saturday night at 10pm Britain’s premier relay event, The Harvester, will begin on a brand new area just north of the English Border. The area lies immediately to the east of the Langholm Hills used for the 2003 KIMM, but those of you who remember the punishing climbs and endless tussocks can think again. Hills, yes, but not nearly as severe and with short cropped grass and runnable marshes winning times are expected to be down around 6 min/km. The open technical terrain will provide a very different orienteering experience from Harvester 2005!
After you have rested overnight in the campsite, you can venture onto the area in daylight and compete in Scottish O’ League 5 and see where you went wrong in the dark! The SOL provides a full range of challenging courses and completes a brilliant weekend of orienteering.
More details are available at the RR homepage andthe Solway homepage.
Jethro & Doug T
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