ShUOC Chase Sprint/DVO Nationa

ShUOC Chasing Sprint/DVO National
ShUOC and DVO warmly invite you to a weekend of orienteering on the West side of Sheffield on the weekend of 8th/9th December.
****Saturday 8th December- ShUOC CHASING SPRINT****
ShUOC (Sheffield University Orienteering Club) are hosting a chasing sprint event in Ecclesall Woods. The runnable area combined with the chasing sprint format should produce an intense head to head orienteering experience. The map has been extensively updated autumn 2007 for this event by British Orienteering Champion Oli Johnson.
Further details can be found at:
Direct link to online entry through fabian 4:
****Sunday 9th December- DVO NATIONAL / East Midlands Championships****
DVO (Derwent Valley Orienteers) are hosting the last national event of the year on Longshaw Estate. The scarp slopes and moorland will provide a vastly different orienteering challenge compared to the previous day.
Further details can be found at:
Direct link to online entry:

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