nopesport urban league


We at Nopesport like urban orienteering, and so do you it seems as the number of urban orienteering events and participants in the UK grows each year. However, apart from The UK Cities Cup – The UK’s premier urban orienteering series, there is no UK wide league. SO, we thought we would duly oblige and put many of the top quality individual events together and form a league…and here it is, brand new for 2008, we are pleased to announce the formulation of The Nopesport Urban League.

It's all about creating a simple, enjoyable league for UK urban races.

There will be 12 races based all over the UK included in the league and with your top 5 results to count there is plenty of opportunity to get involved.

There are also leagues to accommodate all ages so no excuse there either! So, get involved and Enjoy!!

Full details and the list of fixtures included can be found on at the Nopesport Urban League Website

A much changed (and we hope improved!) UK Cities Cup will also back for 2008 as the UK's premier urban orienteering series matures for it's 2nd year. 2008 series Details will be announced soon...

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