France :: 6 Aveyron Days 2008
Hello from 6 Aveyron Days 2008
Now it’s official, Thierry Gueorgiou will run stages in H21E !
Thierry : "I definitively think that there are only very few terrains in the whole World who can match the difficulties of these ones.
I already know that I will have to face a lot of challenges there and that it will be THE hit of 2008!
I wouldn't miss this competition for anything in the world."
Maps are exceptional and tracks will be very technical...
About tourism : a lot of touristic places ; historic sites (templars towns), natural sites (Montpellier le Vieux, Cirque de Navacelle, les Gorges du Tarn, Aven Armand and Dargilan, etc.), the Viaduc de Millau and the Mediterranean near from there.
All informations about this race and one promotional movie are on
Hurry up! First registration date is the 29th February!
You’re welcome on this orienteering event !
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