ukcc :: on hold for 2008

Due to circumstances beyond our control nopesport have unfortunately had to cancel the UK Cities Cup for 2008. However all is not lost and it will be back and better than ever!
Meanwhile... there is still plenty of urban fun to be had...
The City of London race goes ahead in October and with a new unique map promised this is definitely one not to be missed.
Plans are afoot to hopefully still run the Sheffield race and, if plans come together, we have something very special up our sleeves for you with this one! Keep checking back for exciting news as and when it breaks...
...and of course last but by no means least we have The Nopesport Urban League for you to fully satisfy your urban orienteering wants. The league is run in the same way as the UK Cities Cup did in 2007 but has been expanded and improved to allow more to take part in this great format of Orienteering. For full details including standings, scoring and when the next installment of the series takes place visit The Nopesport Urban League website

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