Scottish Team For LTU 2
SOA have announced their selected team for the away leg of the Scotland vs Lithuania match, to be played at the Vilnius 3-Days from 7-9th May.
It is:
Mhairi MacKenzie
Fiona Berrow
Gillian Godfree
Hazel Dean
Lorna Eades
Lisa Brown
Kirsty Bryan-Jones
Jo Stevenson?
Reserve: Heather Hartman
Note Claire Ward, Janine Hensman and Sarah Dunn not available.
Oleg Chepelin
Scott Fraser
Dan Marston
Neil Marston
Dave Godfree
Ewan McCarthy
Murray Strain
Ben Rattray
Reserves: Patrick Walder, Tim Lenton, Ben Hartman
Note: Jamie Stevenson and Jon Musgrave not available.
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