England Triumph at VHI
It was a close run thing, but a disqualification for Scotland in the relay meant England took the VHI title in Northern Ireland this weekend.
The relays were held on Saturday, and although a Scottish team crossed the line first, they were disqualified because they failed to punch a control which wasn't working. This left them in 3rd place overnight, with Wales in second place behind England. But Scotland overhauled the difference in yesterdays individual to beat the English, but not by enough to close the gap, meaning it was that oh so familiar order - Eng, Scot, Wal, Ire.
The races were held in Southern Ireland on detailed open terrain. The two sides of the mountain varied greatly, one typical spur reentrant terrain, the other a very rocky slope with crags running along the countours and a minimal, scandinavian approach to mapping the rock. This favoured those who had experienced it before, and those who could quickly adapt to it.
Bad news from the weekend was that Scottish runner Pauline McAdam fell at the finish on Sunday and had to be stretchered off the mountain. After an x-ray it was discovered she had broken her ankle in a near-identical fashion to that which Sheila Strain did in March. She has fully recovered now, so best wishes to Pauline with a full recovery.
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