event::halo regional
Less than 200 people braved the blizzards which swept across the north-east coast of Britian at HALO’s regional event at Broughton Woods just outside Scunthorpe. A good 3 inches of snow covered the entire forest, making the straight line routes slightly tougher, although it also meant that later starters had a few tracks to follow into the most visited control sites. The area itself is split into 2 by a large road, and only the 4 longest courses crossed over onto the other side. The lack of hills was made up for by the length of the course, with the M21L being just under 12km. The area lacked much detail, so the area provided for a speedy run with the faster runners coming out on top of their courses, although the planners tried to keep you off the paths as much as possible.
Fastest runs were recorded by:
M21L Ian Nixon AIRE 5.8 min/km
JM5L Ben Stevens AIRE 6.9 min/km
M35S Tony Udris EBOR 7.0 min/km
M50L Alistair Wood AIRE 7.1 min/km
W21L Aislinn Austin CLOK 7.8 min/km
JW5L Lizzie Britton MDOC 7.9 min/km
JW5L Clare Sutherland SYO 8.1 min/km
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