soa::land access agreement

Good / important news -

As you may be aware from the recent articles in Score, the current UK- wide BOF / Forestry Commission Agreement is being re-negotiated by Alex Ross at BOF Office and myself on behalf of the SOA.

In parrallel with this the Scottish Parliament has been working on new legislation on access to the coutryside in Scotland.

This legislation, The Land Reform(Scotland) Act 2003, and its accompanying Scottish Outdoor Access Code, became law on the 9th February 2005.

The Code specifically states that responsible, non-motorised access to the access is now a statutory right. This includes orienteering. For further details please see:

As a result of this legislation it has been confirmed by Forestry Commission that there will be no charges levied in Scotland for orienteering on their land from the 9th February 2005. Charges may be levied for facilities provided by Forestry Commission such as parking, shelter, power, toilets etc or where members of the public are charged for facilities.

It has been agreed with Forestry Commission that a UK-wide Agreement will be reached which will cover operational issues, with separate appendices for each of the 4 Home Countries to reflect the different legislation. This has still not been finalised.

If anyone has any questions regarding this matter please contact Alex Ross at BOF Office or myself.

Donald Petrie
Scottish Orienteering Association

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