event :: scottish score
“Tough, hilly and technical” was most people’s response to today’s Scottish Score Championships, held on an low-lying hillside in Ayrshire.
The tough terrain took its toll, with many people over-estimating their time and getting time penalties. Another factor was the planning: a steep gorge ran through the area near the start, with just three high-scoring controls on the other side. This lead to decisions as to whether it was worth crossing for them or better to stay on the more densely populated main part of the map.
Murray Strain won the M21 course however M35 Steve Nicholson scored better and won the ‘A’ course. Hazel Dean finished 6th overall on the “A” course and won W21.
On the more highly competitive “B” course – covering all the classes apart from MW14-, M20-39 and W21 – Rob Hickling (M50) of GRAMP scored best overall. He held off FVO’s Martin Dean (M45) who scored 10 points more but by finishing 1:31 over the 60 minute limit lost 16 point and finished 6 points behind. Steve Wilson was top M40 and scored 40 points more than Martin but suffered considerable time penalties.
Stella Lewsley was top female on the B course and placed 12th overall.
Rosalind Shepard of INVOC won the junior course. Both she and Kirstin Maxwell scored 140 points but Kirstin lost 6 points in penalties. Third went to Lisa Petrie while the top guy was graham Macpherson of the Cumbrian Schools OA who are on a ‘friendship tour’ making links with the West of Scotland.
Incorporated in the event was the Scottish Interclub Trophy, where Edinburgh Southern walked off with the Large clubs title ahead of Forth Valley. Both clubs will travel south to the “CompassSport trophy” final next month where FVO will hope to turn the tables.
STAG of Glasgow won the small clubs trophy.
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