now you can stalk/map/frappr!
Join the Orienteering Frappr Group
As well as our new nope nonsense chat functionality (see here), we are pleased to bring you more timewasting opportunities in the form of two new frappr groups. Frappr, which stands for Friend Mapper, allows you to plot people and places in groups on a worldwide google map.
We've set up two groups, one is for orienteering which is located at, where you can plot yourself, clubs and events worldwide. The other is for nopesport members and is located at , where you can plot yourself and find out who your local nopesport users are!
Please remember that the information that you place on Frappr will be visible to everyone, so be careful if you don't want everyone to know your exact location!
The Nopesport Frappr Group is rather bare :(
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World of O
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