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ISF Worlds: Tomorrow Middle Distance
Again the stunning landscape of Val Canali will be the backdrop of the Middle Distance race to be held tomorrow, second event of this ISF World School Championship of orienteering taking place in Primiero-Vanoi Valley below the Dolomites this week.
ISF Worlds: Long Distance, Sweden and Italy rule
The first winners were crowned at the ISF World School Championship in Primiero today. In the Long Distance competition, the favourites from Sweden and the local heroes from Italy orienteered to victory in seven of eight categories. The last Gold medal went to Austria.
Ultimate OOcup test
The OOcup, one of Europe's most enjoyable and technical multiday orienteering events, has decided to introduce some new Ultimate classes, which will involve running on a map with no paths. So - contours, contours, contours, thousands of rocks and cliffs of all sizes and shapes, but no paths to help your relocation in the tough karst terrain.
British Orienteering Championships 2011
Doug Tullie and Tessa Hill were crowned the King and Queen of the Forest last weekend as Wharncliffe Woods, near Sheffield, hosted over 1000 competitors at the British Orienteering Championships.
Postcards from across the Ocean: West Point A Meet
Becky Carlyle continues her reports from across the big pond, with a tale of orienteering, US Military style.
British MBO Sprint and Middle Champs Go Bang
The British Mountain Bike Orienteering Sprint Championships on Sunday, this coming weekend, promises to be the most intensive orienteering experience on a bike ever in the UK, even toping that at MOD Stafford earlier this year.
JK 2011: Northern Ireland - Relay
Interlopers with Ant Squire, Oleg Chepelin and Murray Strain emerged victorious in an exciting tussle for the JK Trophy today back at Tyrella, while Becky Hoare, Julia Blomquist and Sarah Rollins of the British Army similarly stormed clear on the final leg.
JK 2011: Northern Ireland - Day 2
Hector Haines won an exciting JK Classic at Sieve Croob and with it the overall title as he destroyed the field with a two minute victory over Matt Crane. In the women's race Claire Ward was victorious after a poor middle distance, while Tessa Hill took the overall JK title with a strong second place on the day.
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