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FCC5 Final Details
Final Details have been released on the CLYDE website here
FCC5 - Collie Nathais 28/03/04
W18 5.7km
1. Ruth Holmes 62.39
2. Kirsten Strain 72.40
3. Victoria Campbell 79.45
W20 5.7km
1. Fiona Berrow 56.58
2. Rose Burden 68.48
M18 8.7km
1. Duncan Coombs 62.55
2. Andrew Brunton 63.17
3. Will Spain 67.10
4. Chris Mitchell 67.16
5. Josh Jenner 69.52
6. Iain Embrey 70.09
Scottish Middle Results
Preliminary results from the Scottish Middle Distance Series, Race 2 at Airds Park on Saturday are available on the ECKO website.
Spring Cup Classic success
Spring Cup Weekend
The second race of the Spring Cup weekend has been and gone. The standard for the classic race was much higher than the previous day’s night race due to the status of World Ranking Event. Nine of the world’s top 25 ranked men ran in H21E1 (slightly longer than H21E2), and ...
Spring Cup Night Success
Spring Cup Weekend
This weekend sees the first race of the Scandinavian season, and a large number of Brits have made the trip over to Denmark. Many people are competing for composite British teams, but a number of people are competing for their Scandinavian clubs, for which Sundays relay is ...
SOL2 Results
SOL 2 and FCC 5 Results from Collie Naithas can be found here.
FCC results and reports will appear in the FCC section. CLick the button in the menu on the left. Also check the gallery for maps and photos if and when we receive them.
FCC Halfway Standings
An overview of the Future Champions Cup standings at the halfway stage.
Note: Many runners have not completed the permitted 4 runs, and scores and reviews may not take this into consideration. All the views expressed below are the opinion of Supersaint, and no offence is meant by them.
FCC4 - Simonside
Start Lists for this event are here
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