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6 Day :: Day 6 - Elites Chase

A good week of orienteering at the Deeside Scottish 6 Day concluded on Saturday at Glen Dye. Known as one of the best areas in Britain it was the perfect way to end the week and also to settle the overall class winners. This was highlighted by the main event of the day, the conclusion of the 21 E...

woc :: long qualifiers

Another day, another set of qualifiers, this time in the long distance event. With a lot of competitors choosing the long discipline over the middle this year due to the timetabling of races it was the first chance to see how some of the big guns will handle the Japanese climate and terrain. J...

woc :: middle qualifiers

You can only lose a race in the qualifiers, so it's safe steady running to get through. GBR will have four runners in this weeks final after Mhairi, Helen W, Oli and Ewan all cruised into the top 15 of their heats. Graham Gristwood mispunched, so his WOC is over on the first day, and Helen Brid...

woc :: WOC Starts Tomorrow!!!

The 22nd World Orienteering Championships begins at midnight tonight (GMT) in Aichi, Japan, with the middle distance qualifications. The WOC 2005 Online website has just gone up, and tomorrow's start lists are now available. N.B. Japan is +9hrs from GMT. Running for Great Britain in the mi...

event :: scoa score champs

Support the South Central Junior Squad and their future development by attending their Score Event at Swinley Forest on the 2nd of October, this event will also incorporate the South Central Score Championships. Location: Swinley West. Parking is on Forest Rides. There is a £1 per car parking ...

event :: PT'05 - enter soon

Entries are now starting to flood swiftly in before the closing date of August 12th so make sure you don't miss the opporunity to experience a wonderful orienteering area, unlikely to be used again for at least another 4 years (unless we've unwittingly started a trend). On offer at Arisaig w...

6days :: day 3 roundup

Day 3 of the 2005 Scottish 6 Days competition was held on the Glen Feardar hill, to the west of that famous Royal landmark, Balmoral. Athletes were expected to contend with open land with limestone and contour features, and fast high visibility forest, all on the sides of a big hill which was ste...

6days :: day 2 roundup

Day 2 of the 2005 Scottish 6 Days competition took place at Scolty, a little to the west of the Event Centre at Crathes Castle. The area promised fast woodland with easy navigation in the form of path networks and line features. For the longer courses, there was also steep open hillside with tric...

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