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New Peak District based MM series

The Peak Raid 3 is a new series of 3 hour mini mountain marathons taking place within the Peak District

Long Event in the South?

Wessex Orienteers have lots of the New Forest mapped with partner clubs, The 'Castleman Challenge' is proposed to cover some of these areas on a Long event, is there demand?

LegenDerry 3 Day

NI Orienteering are organising an urban sprint race in the 2013 UK City of Culture, Derry ~ Londonderry as a part of an exciting weekend of orienteering over the St. Patrick’s weekend.

Nighthawk 2014 offer!

The organisers of Norway's answer to TioMila and Jukola are offering a 50% discount on entry fees for teams outside the Nordic region (NOR, FIN, SWE, DEN)!

Orienteering digital offspring

Turf - Outdoor addiction, is a phenomenon that has been around in scandinavia for a few years. It is like a mix between Orienteering, Nike grid and geocaching. You download an app in order to see a map with ”zones” and other players walking around live.

Sat.5th April 2104. The first ever urban orienteering race in Ely Cambridgeshire

Runners race round the Cathedral precincts and the streets of the old City on a busy Saturday morning.

Salisbury City Race 2013

The first ever orienteering competition in the city will be held on Saturday 2nd November 2013 as part of the November Classic Weekend.

Clif Bar 10 Peaks

Report on June's 73km route taking in all of the Lake District's 10 highest peaks in 24 hours, with an event in the Brecon Beacons to come in September.

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